The relation between common normal length and dent depth 公法线长度与切齿深之间的一个普遍关系式
This elastic cord stretches to twice its normal length. 这根弹性皮筋伸展到原来长度的两倍。
Introduces the rationale and techniques of common normal length measurement in the test and mapping of parameters for gears. 介绍了齿轮精度检测和齿轮参数测绘中用公法线长度测量的基本原理和基本方法。
They found that people with the normal length of the gene were better able to weather life's storms. 他们发现,拥有正常长度该基因的人能更好的面对生活的挫折。
Most stretch yarns can be extended from one and one-half to twice their normal or relaxed length. 大多数弹力丝可被拉伸到正常或松驰状态长度的1倍半到2倍。
Normal Length of Patellar Ligament and Anterior Cruciate Ligament in Chinese of Han Nationality 正常髌韧带和前交叉韧带的MRI测量与分析
It can be a normal vector of any length you want to the surfaces. 它可以是曲面上想要的任意长度的法向量。
A rubber band can be elongated to several times of its normal length. 橡皮带能拉长到平常长度的几倍。
Accuracy of research of Chinese elderly cataract patients with normal axial length diopter intraocular lens formula for calculating 国人正常眼轴老年白内障患者人工晶状体屈光度计算公式的准确性研究
The relation between differential driven ratio accuracy and the common normal length change of cylindrical bevel wheel has been found by experimental method, which provided a efficient way for cylindrical bevel wheel manufacturer to control the common normal length change of the wheel. 通过实验研究的方法,寻找出差动传动比精度与斜齿圆柱齿轮公法线长度变动量的关系,为斜齿圆柱齿轮的加工提供一种可以控制斜齿圆柱齿轮公法线长度变动量的有效方法。
Study on the relation between differential driven ratio accuracy and the common normal length change of cylindrical bevel wheel 磨齿加工时公法线长度的计算差动传动比精度与斜齿圆柱齿轮公法线长度变动量关系
Results All flaps healed satisfied. The average time of the fracture union was 19 weeks. 7 cases with large bone defect got normal limb length after compression of fracture ends and high tibial osteotomy and extension. 结果伤口均一期愈合,所有皮瓣均成活,骨折临床愈合平均时间19周,7例因严重骨缺损经骨折端加压并同期行上干骺端骨延长后肢体均恢复正常长度。
In noninvolute helical gear treatment, it is a better method to measure the normal chord length of the gear by the gear tooth micrometer callipers. 在加工非渐开线螺旋齿轮时,用公法线千分尺测量齿轮的法向弦长是一个较好的方法。
Calculation of common normal length to two-tooth-difference cycloid disks Selection of the sheared normal length for an involution gear wheel 检测二齿差摆线轮时公法线长度的计算和确定方法
Measurement of Profile Modification for Cycloidal Gear and Computation of Common Normal Length 摆线轮齿廓修形检测与公法线长度计算
In this paper the author derived the equation for the rate of change in common normal length W with dent depth ξ, available for any helical gear tooth profiles. 本文导出了任意齿廓的斜齿轮公法线长度W关于切齿深ξ的变化率的一个关系式。
The Analysis of the Influence of Gear Common Normal Length Variation Quantity on the Yarn Evenness 浅析齿轮公法线长度变动量对成纱条干的影响
Calculation of Common Normal Length of Cycloid Disks 摆线轮检测中公法线长度的计算和确定
Conclusion Only reconstruction of normal humeral length, tuberosity fixation and persevering rehabilitation can contribute to a successful result of hemiarthroplasty for the comminuted proximal humeral fractures. 结论只有重建肱骨正常长度、确切固定大小结节和持之以恒的康复锻炼才能使半肩关节置换治疗肱骨近端粉碎骨折获得满意疗效。
First, the normal state pattern length was fixed, which eliminated the negative influence brought by the uncertainty length of the partial system call sequence. 第一,正常状态模式的长度固定,消除了局部系统调用序列长度不固定带来的负面影响。
The exact computing formulas for the normal chord length and the set angle of the gear tooth micrometer callipers have been derived here. 本文导出了法向弦长和公法线千分尺安置角的精确计算公式。
A computer program that is suitable for measurement of span between two cylinders in cylindrical gear thickness and common normal length of various kinds of involute cylindrical gears. 介绍一种适合各种渐开线圆柱齿轮齿厚圆柱测量M值及公法线长度的计算程序。
Conclusion In the normal and short length eyes, there were high predictive accuracy of the SRK-ⅱ formula iv IOL powers. But in long eyes, errors were significantly higher. 结论SRK-Ⅱ公式预测正常眼轴和短眼轴IOL屈光度数的准确性较高,而在长眼轴中误差明显增大。
Calculation of common normal length of inner rotors in cycloidal pump 摆线泵内转子公法线长度的计算和测量
By the analysis and calculation of the stress due to temperature difference in the project, we take corresponding measure to solve the problem which the size of this project excess the normal width and length etc. The project has been used now. 通过对该工程的温度应力的分析计算,并采取相应的措施,解决了该工程的超长超宽等问题,现在该工程已经投入使用。
Objective: To study the replantation method of segmental defect of amputated digits to make the replanted digits more close to the normal digits in length, appearance and function. 目的:研究手指节段缺损断指的再植方法,使再植后的手指长度、外形及功能更接近健指。
There were more cycles of cord entanglement in the long cord group than in the normal length cord group; the difference was significant ( P < 0.01). 结果脐带过短无1例发现脐带绕颈,脐带过长组的脐带绕颈周数多于脐带长度正常组,两组比较P<0.01,差异有非常显著性。
For the donors, preoperative angiogram of superior mesenteric artery showed a normal vascular distribution pattern to the SB, and small bowel enema examination showed normal length of SB. D xylose absorption test confirmed normal absorption function. 供体进行严格的体检,肠镜及钡剂造影确定小肠的长度合适,D-木糖吸收实验证实吸收功能正常,血管造影示肠系膜血管分布正常。
Currently, some researches on dental pulp/ dentin tissue regeneration have been reported, but the regeneration of integrated dental pulp/ dentin-like tissues with accessing to normal length of dental root and continuous mineral capability has not been completed. 目前已经有一些牙髓组织再生的报道,但接近于正常牙根长度的、完整的、具有继续矿化能力的牙髓牙本质复合体的再生仍然没有实现。